We all know that mums are busy. Do you find it challenging to have quality time with your young children? It’s not always easy to spend intentional, focused time with our children, especially when we have a seemingly endless chore list! However, the key is to make the most of the time when you are together.
Look for pockets of time in the day that you can include your child while getting things done, in a fun and engaging way. Here are some ideas to get started.
Games in the Car
While driving to the shops or an appointment, why not play a game in the car ride? Children are naturally curious about their surroundings and “I Spy” is a fun way to engage and also learn new vocabulary at the same time. For children who are starting to read, get them to spot letters in road signs or car plates.
Hide and Seek
More chores to do around the home? How about a game of “Hide and Seek”? For example, send the children hiding while you’re vacuuming or washing the dishes. They’ll know you’re looking when they don’t hear a noise!
Turn up the Music
Children love music and movement, so even if you have background music running at home, there’s always a spontaneous moment of having a dance or sing-along. Nowadays with the help of technology and apps, you can even create a ‘fun’ playlist suited to the ages of your children.
Cooking Together
Whether it be breakfast, lunch, or dinner, parents spend a significant amount of time in the kitchen preparing meals for the family. This is a great time to include your children. Even if they are young, there are many ways you can involve them in a fun way. Ask them to help with bringing you ingredients from the fridge, or do basic measurements such as counting together.
Eliminate Distractions
While there are always windows of time where you can engage and laugh with your kids, if you can manage, try to also spend focused time without distractions with them each day, even if it’s just 15 minutes.
This means screen-free time without phones or television. Sit down to listen, engage and focus completely on your child during this time. Remember, it’s Quality over Quantity!
Mums are truly amazing and while we do our best to always be around, sometimes we need an extra hand when trying to balance work commitments with family life. This is where Owl & The Pussycat can help. Our centre focuses on quality rather than quantity and consistency of passionate, experienced staff, catering to families with children between 0 – 6 years. Contact us to find out more today.
Related Tag: Childcare Warriewood
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